Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018

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Finally, those hours spent, on the Porch have paid off! 

'Tales from the Porch' went to the Publisher and is on Amazon - ready to be downloaded to your Kindle or to the free Kindle app on your desktop.

The paperback version (if you're one of those people that prefers to "hold a book in your hands," will be released, soon!

'Tales from the Porch' is a book of short stories, told from the porch, that will keep you turning the pages to find out about the Panther that roams Cohay Creek and even found its way into the author's backyard, the old slave graveyard behind the house, cemetery trips to ferret out a ghost, and the trials and tribulations of putting on a pair of Spanx. 

The author tells how she learned about her maternal grandmother's murder from an elderly schoolteacher and recounts tales of growing up in the Mississippi delta, where she met and married her husband. 

And, you may find your name.......somewhere in this collection of stories.

It's primarily about Mississippi and its people.
#Taylorsville #Cemeteries #Ghosts #MississippiDelta