Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kodak Moment.......

This morning was truly a "Kodak moment", and thank goodness there was no camera.

Bob and I went out to walk the dogs, and just as he closed the door (too late), I asked "did you unlock the door?" Of course it wasn't unlocked, and the "hidden just for emergencies like this" key wasn't where it was supposed to be. (Granddaughter Olivia had warned us about that one!)

Living in the country, as we do, everything is locked up tight. The only thing unlocked was the small window, above the kitchen sink. It sits several feet above our back deck and isn't easily accessible because of a gap between the deck and the wall.  I had turned the cooler that I found in the carport storage on end, to make it a little taller, but it was very unsteady.

I wasn't at all thrilled with the idea of Bob climbing onto that cooler and trying to get through the window, and I was even less thrilled about doing it myself! I was actually relieved that he couldn't manage it. I climbed onto the cooler and there I hung, suspended in air, head above the sink and the rest of me, outside.  Bob was telling me what to do with my left leg, and I was thinking "does he not realize that I'm 72 and these bones no longer move like that!" (they never did!)

About that time, the little black dog came into the kitchen and looked up at me......with one of those "what are you doing, now?" looks.  I wondered why I hadn't taught her something more useful than bringing me a toy to throw. The keys were on the counter......if only she could reach them!

It was at this point (actually it was when I climbed onto the cooler) that I knew I wasn't going into that window. I suggested it was time that I go next door and awaken my much younger cousin. Brian didn't seem to mind being awakened early, on a Sunday morning.

He came over - looked at the open window and commented "Piece of cake!"  And, quick as a wink, he was onto the cooler ....through the window, in the sink...and the door was open!

Thankful for sweet, younger, agile cousin/neighbor Brian Tom Sullivan!! This wasn't the first time he has helped us, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

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